Surviving a tough interview; Revolutionary presidential candidates; Facebook's rise to global domination

8 simple strategies you can use to survive a tough interview - Michael's essay:
Available for a limited time only, the Enright Energizing Emergency Media Companion. Here's a short excerpt: "Friends, do you break into a cold sweat when you hear Gillian Findlay or Bob McKeown of The Fifth Estate is on the line? Do you get sharp, nagging abdominal pains when Peter Mansbridge comes to interview you? If so, fear not. Help is at hand."
You say you want a revolution: Prominent Republican insider David Frum on what the rise of presidential candidates Bernie Sanders, Ted Cruz and Donald Trump means for the future of U.S. politics. Frum's most recent article in The Atlantic magazine is called "The Great Republican Revolt".
Facebook: What's Not to Like? - an Ira Basen documentary: Ira pulls back the curtain on Facebook's phenomenal rise to global domination, and the surprising price we may all pay for it. Are these the dying days of the truly open web?
Listener mail: Robert's Rules of the Piano - Lesson 1.