Textbook prices that break the bank - Michael's essay; Kim Philby, a spy among friends; The barbershop - Essay; "The Unstable World" - Saudi Arabia; The right thing to do - Documentary
The Sunday Edition for September 21, 2014, with Michael Enright...

The Sunday Edition for September 21, 2014, with Michael Enright
Textbook prices that break the bank - Michael's essay: (00:18) University students are saddled with more than enough debt by the time they graduate. Why do we add to the burden with textbooks that can cost upwards of $200? And what can be done about it?
Kim Philby, a spy among friends:(3:52) The most notorious double agent of the 20th century was brilliant, dashing and full of bonhomie. That was on the outside. In a revealing new book, Ben Macintyre of The Times of London has exposed Philby's betrayal of his closest friends and confidantes in the Secret Service. Michael speaks with the author.
The Barbershop - Essay: (29:12:) One woman's story of how a visit to the barbershop unleashed a torrent of hate.
The Unstable World - Saudi Arabia: (36:08) In this first instalment of an occasional series, we look at a country that is seen as a staunch ally of the West but, as British academic Rosemary Hollis points out, friendship with Saudi Arabia comes at a price.
A mixed bag of mail: (56:53) Reaction to last week's interviews with Liberal leader Justin Trudeau and author of This Changes Everything, Naomi Klein.
The Right Thing to Do - Documentary:(1:04:05) When one of his long-time employees dies suddenly, Ross McLeod learns there are no friends or family members to make funeral arrangements...and he steps up to do the right thing. Karin Wells brings us this story.