The politics of fear; The failed promise of digital democracy; What's next if no party gets a majority?

The impact of the F-word on the election campaign - Michael's essay:
"Fear can freeze us into inaction. We can become paralyzed, not knowing which way to turn. Fears can be rational and irrational. It is natural to be afraid of flying debris in a hurricane. It is irrational to be afraid of rectal probes by aliens."
What didn't you hear? Four diverse women from across the country reflect on the campaign and look ahead to Canada's post-election future. Michael's guests are:
Eve-Lyne Couturier, Researcher at IRIS, a research think-tank in Montreal (Institut de recherche de d'informations socio-économiques)
Angela Robertson, Executive Director of Queen West -- Central Toronto Community Health Centres
Pam Palmater, Chair for Indigenous Governance at Ryerson University
Ruth Kelly, President and CEO of Venture Publishing and Editor-in-Chief of Venture and Alberta Oil magazines.
An Ira Basen documentary - Tools of the Game: Our navigator of the worldwide web, Ira Basen, looks at the promise and the perils of digital democracy. What happened to the dream that the internet would bring power to the people?
What if, and what's next? One of this country's most respected experts on parliamentary democracy, Peter Russell, spells out the rules that will guide the actions of Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Governor General David Johnston if no party emerges from the election with a majority of seats. Russell says many Canadians take their cues from American politics and don't know the basics of parliamentary democracy.