The Sunday Edition — April 29, 2018

On this week's program:
Michael's essay: The horror of mass murder by vehicle comes to Toronto
"We have to find motive. We can't fully accept the randomness of the thing. We search for explanation. We crave coherence."
A primer on the Kinder Morgan pipeline
There is no more bitter divide in Canada today, than the one between British Columbia and Alberta over plans to build the Kinder Morgan pipeline from the oil fields to the sea. It's a complicated issue with competing players and interests from politics, economics, and the environment. Chris Turner is the author of The Patch: The People, Pipelines and Politics of the Oilsands. He's Michael's guest.
Mini-Bus With Us! In the 70's, daring young women created the North's first public transit system
A group of gutsy young feminists in Whitehorse, intent on helping women break free of isolation, set up the first public transit system in the north. They called themselves the Yukon Women's Mini-Bus Society, and the experience shaped their lives. Documentary maker Jessica Linzey's mother was one of the founders. Jessica's documentary is called, "Women at the Wheel."
How "post-truth" entered the political mainstream
Why appeals to emotion and personal belief can be more powerful than objective facts and science. Lee McIntyre of Boston and Harvard Universities studies this terrifying trend.
Beverley McLachlin's journey from top judge to crime novelist
Beverley McLachlin was in the public eye as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada for almost 18 years. What we didn't know was that she was crafting a work of crime fiction in her so-called spare time. It's called Full Disclosure, and the Honourable Beverley McLachlin is Michael's guest.
Listener reaction to Kendrick Lamar, and Robert Harris on rap
It seems most listeners want The Sunday Edition to be a rap-free zone. Nine years ago, Robert Harris explained rap to Michael, in an episode of "20 Pieces of Music That Changed the World".
Dirge Without Music, by Edna St. Vincent Millay
To honour the victims of the deadly attack in Toronto on Monday, we invited the actor R.H. Thomson to read a poem for us. Dirge Without Music was first published in 1928, and it remains one of the most haunting, beautiful elegies ever written.