The Sunday Edition for February 24, 2019

Listen to this week's episode with guest host Peter Armstrong.
How did multiculturalism become so central to Canada's identity?: Multiculturalism in Canada has evolved from an ideal, to official policy, to a national article of faith -- something that defines this country and, in the eyes of many, sets Canada apart at a time of rising xenophobia around the globe. But there has always been a diversity of opinion in this country about the virtues of diversity, and anti-immigrant sentiment seems to be on the rise. Guest host Peter Armstrong will talk to Queen's University professor Keith Banting about the history of Canadian multiculturalism, and where it's headed.
Teachers, educational assistants and parents respond to the issue of violence in elementary schools: Response to Alisa Siegel's documentary about violent children in elementary schools from teachers who feel threatened, and from concerned parents.
The Nanny Angels care for the children of cancer mothers: Audrey Guth, herself a cancer patient, created an organization dedicated to caring for the children of mothers with cancer. The Nanny Angel Network, as it's called, aims to provide a weekly block of free childcare for mothers with cancer. Alisa Siegel's documentary about the Nanny Angels is called "Be There For Me." On the 10th anniversary of the founding of the NAN, we re-broadcast her documentary, along with a follow-up with two of the women whose future at the time was uncertain.
This lawyer says there's a better way to protect victims of domestic violence: Every 2.5 days in Canada, a woman or girl is killed; the vast majority by an intimate partner. Deepa Mattoo is developing a new risk assessment tool that objectively can measure the degree of danger a woman faces, one that can be used by workers in shelters, court employees, the police or healthcare workers. Ms. Mattoo is legal director for the Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic, one of Canada's largest agencies for women who are suffering abuse.
A former cop and a former crown prosecutor — both Cree — on how to fix Canada's justice system: Indigenous people are overly represented in Canada's courts and jails. Many face discrimination and prejudice from police, prosecutors, and judges. Ernie Louttit, a veteran police officer, and Harold R. Johnson, a veteran lawyer and prosecutor, offer their analysis and their prescriptions for change.
The women of magic are much more than 'lovely assistants': Sawing a woman in half on stage is a classic magician's illusion. And a classic role for women in magic — the "lovely assistant", helping men as they dazzle and enchant their audiences. But women are busting out of the boxes.
Music this week by: Django Reinhardt, Lori Gemmell, Pink Floyd, Steve Reich, Duo Concertante with Christine Carter, The Specials, Philip Glass, Benny Carter, Johann Sebastian Bach, Bela Fleck with Evelyn Glennie, and one of the songs nominated for an Academy Award, which will be performed at the Oscar ceremony by its composers, Gillian Welch and David Rawlings.