The Sunday Edition for February 3, 2019

The patriarchy of the Catholic Church made abuse inevitable, says Michael Coren: For many years, Coren was a prominent conservative columnist who attacked the militant left, homosexuals, the idea of same-sex marriage, people with AIDS — and at one point Michael Enright. Then he had, as he calls it, "a change of theology and thought."
How the Sir George Williams protest changed the conversation about racism in Canada: Fifty years ago, six black students at Sir George Williams University in downtown Montreal accused their biology professor of discrimination. They said he gave them low grades, and made their classroom lives difficult. When university officials couldn't find a solution, those complaints fuelled a movement. Hundreds of students barricaded themselves into the ninth floor computer centre. Thirteen days later, the riot squad moved in. There was a fire, computers worth millions were smashed and 97 people were arrested. The protest changed lives — and changed Canada. David Gutnick's documentary is called, "Sir George was THAT moment."
Woman asks herself, 'Why am I becoming a grumpy old man?': "I have absolutely nothing in common with Mr. Wilson: I never say 'Great Scott', and I don't have a pesky neighbour named Dennis The Menace. So why am I becoming a grumpy old man?"
Helen Weinzweig's 'interior feminist espionage novel' about illicit love: We continue our series on Canadian novels that have fallen out of public memory, or never received the attention they deserved. When Canadian writer Sarah Weinman first read Basic Black with Pearls, she "emerged in the sort of daze that happens when a book seems to ferret out your most secret thoughts and hopes." She also developed a fascination with Helen Weinzweig, a writer who grappled with questions of gender, power, marriage, ambition, and illicit love in both her fiction and her own life.
Drivers are killing more pedestrians in Canada every year. Here's why: Michael's essay: "Speed is the killer. The only way to stop the carnage is to lower speed limits on every street in our major cities. But this is something politicians don't want to do."
Why so many Central Americans risk detention, child separation and even death for a chance to enter the U.S.: From "the caravan" to "build the wall", the steady flow of human misery heading towards the U.S. border has provided President Donald Trump with some of his most potent slogans. We explore what caused the conditions in Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, that continue to impel so many to risk detention, separation from their children — even death. Michael talks to Elizabeth Oglesby, who teaches geography at the Center for Latin American Studies at the University of Arizona.
Your reaction to: our panel discussion about anger in Alberta, and David Wimsett's essay about confronting ageism in the job market.
Music this week by: Pinchas Zukerman, Thomas Tallis, Fanny Mendelssohn, Heitor Villa-Lobos, Smokey Robinson, Cécile Chaminade, and Danny Michel and the Garifuna Collective.