Need an empathetic listener? Head over to Montreal's Vent Over Tea
"Why not get great listeners who are willing to donate their time and build a platform where you can connect them with people who need to vent?" The story behind Montreal's Vent Over Tea.

Two strangers meet in a coffee shop.
Over the course of an hour, one stranger unloads.
The other stranger mostly listens — to woes about romance, living arrangements, work, school and family.
This isn't a painful first date.

It's an encounter made possible by Vent Over Tea, a platform where people can sign up online to meet a trained volunteer who will listen to their problems — for free.
It was the brainchild of Sarah Fennesey and co-founded by Chloe Chow, who put it together while they were students at McGill University.
Now established in Montreal they want to take Vent Over Tea across the country.
Click 'listen' above to hear Craig Desson's documentary, Vent Over Tea.