Big Brother meets Big Data, in an office near you
Welcome to a new world of workplace surveillance where every call, every keystroke, every conversation, every move you make is monitored and measured, in ways you've probably never imagined. Ira Basen’s documentary is called, “Just Watch Me.”

Originally published on March 9, 2018.
In the good old days, bosses used their eyeballs to see what workers were up to. Then there were surveillance cameras and recording phone calls and monitoring emails.
But now we're in the digital age, and it probably won't surprise you to learn that workplace surveillance has gone high tech.
Big Brother has joined forces with Big Data — and some big changes are coming to an office near you. They may already be there.
Ira Basen ventures into the brave new world of employee monitoring, where every move you make is measured, in ways you've probably never imagined.
Click 'listen' above to hear his documentary, "Just Watch Me."