Young minds wrestle with big philosophical questions

Imagine a Grade 6 classroom where the students are told there are no answers — only questions. That was the magic of Room 121 at Prince Charles Elementary School in Surrey, B.C.
The teacher, Tiffany Poirier, is on something of a crusade to bring the study of philosophy to young children.
And kids light up when they're given a chance to wrestle with the big questions of life.
We decided to ask ourselves a couple of deep ones: If not now, when? And why not?
That classroom deserved a visit.
Here they are, the toga-clad thinkers and their teacher, Tiffany Poirier.
Click 'listen' above to hear Yvonne Gall's documentary.
This documentary first aired in 2013. Tiffany Poirier is now a district vice-principal in the Greater Victoria school district and speaks across the country about bringing philosophy to children.