The Sunday Edition — May 27, 2018

On this week's episode:.
"Now that Oval Office Man has cancelled his summit meeting with Kim Jong Un, the nuclear roulette wheel will begin again -- going round and round."
Truth is obscured by bias in Gaza
On May 14, Israeli snipers killed 64 Gazans and wounded some 1300 others. Yair Rosenberg, who writes for the Jewish magazine Tablet, argues that the truth has been obscured not so much by the fog of war, but by bias. His widely-read article is called 13 Inconvenient Truths About What Has Been Happening in Gaza.
A child of immigrants on walking the delicate balance between two cultures
Sabreena Delhon says the challenges faced by first generation immigrants are the most critical. It gets a little murky after that... and not necessarily easier. Her essay is called, "Yuppie."
Why are so many young Canadians homeless, and what should be done about it?
On any given night in this country, more than 6,000 young people are couchsurfing, bouncing in and out of shelters, or sleeping rough on the street. Some are as young as 13. Michael invites panelists Bruce Rivers, Melanie Redman, Mike Gawliuk and Jayne Malenfant for a discussion about what can be done about the issue.
Think the "5-second rule" means it's okay to eat food you dropped on the floor? Think Again!
It's common wisdom. If you pick up food within 5 seconds of dropping it, it's safe to eat. Donald Schaffner, a food scientist at Rutger's University in New Jersey, has put the theory to the test. He talks to Michael Enright in our occasional series, "Think Again."
The role of luck in accumulating wealth
Rich people believe they got that way through hard work and talent. But management professor Robert Frank says the wealthy's failure to acknowledge the role of luck in their good fortune erodes the society that facilitated their success in the first place. His new book is called Success and Luck: Good Fortune and the Myth of Meritocracy.
The Sisters of St. Ann confront the end with dignity and grace
The Sisters of St. Ann is a fiercely self-reliant Roman Catholic order of nuns. In the 1960s, there were about 300; today, only two dozen remain. The sisters have begun to divest themselves of their possessions and property as they face the truth that their lives, and that of their order, are coming to an end. Jennifer Chrumka's documentary is called, In Our End Is Our Beginning.