Take a tour through the aisles of Ottawa's first 'zero waste' grocery store
It's the kind of list you don't want to find your country on. But Canada is right near the top of the world, in the amount of garbage we produce per person.
You don't have to look far to find a major culprit: ridiculous packaging.
We buy yogurt in plastic tubs in cardboard boxes. Metal cans of tomato sauce and fruit in little styrofoam jackets. Laundry soap in envelopes in a bag in a box.
Valerie Leloup knows packaging better than most. But her new store has absolutely none of it.

It's called Nu.
Everything from coffee beans to curry powder to popcorn to oatmeal in Nu is in covered bins. You bring the bags — cloth please. Olive oil or shampoo or soya sauce? You bring the bottles. Liquids pour out of spigots on the wall.

David Gutnick dropped by the store recently. His documentary is called "That's Okay, You Don't Need More."
Click 'listen' above to hear the documentary.