The Sunday Edition — October 28, 2018

Michael's essay: Censoring Steve Bannon is not good for democracy
"Steve Bannon has to be confronted and the only way to do that is to hear the man and parse his language, his attitudes, his grotty enthusiasms. As documentary maker Michael Moore put it: "We want to hear him speak … You always want the devil to tell you his plans."
Rebecca Traister on women's anger and the U.S. midterm elections
Feminist writer Rebecca Traister argues that women have been taught to hide their anger. But, she says, to create political change, they must bring it out in the open and use it as fuel for action.
The life and music of Leonard Bernstein
Leonard Bernstein would have turned 100 this year, and for many, he is unquestionably the most talented musician of the century past. Robert Harris explores his legacy.
What role should victim impact statements play in Canadian courts?
Victim impact statements delivered at criminal trials have been championed by everyone from feminist activists to tough-on-crime conservatives. But questions remain about what the rise of the victims' rights movement means for the rights of the accused, and about the role of individual victims in a system designed to try cases on behalf of the public.
What should Canada do in the event of a second civil war in the U.S.?
According to writer Stephen Marche, the U.S. is on the brink of another civil war. Should it happen, what is its northern neighbour to do?