Is there a solution to the crisis in Syria?

World leaders say they have not given up on Syria, but no one seems able to find a path to peace.
In the meantime, we are left with stories and images of devastation, as the bodies of children are pulled from under rubble, and schools, homes, hospitals and UN aid convoys are bombed.
Michael spoke to three observers about the complicated proxy war taking place in Syria, the fate of Aleppo and what, if anything, can be done to end the conflict.
Father Nadim Nassar is the only Syrian priest in the Church of England. He co-founded The Awareness Foundation, a charitable peace group that addresses religious violence. Father Nassar still travels to Syria and plans to return in about a week. Barbara Slavin is an author and acting director of the Future of Iran Initiative at the The Atlantic Council, an American think-tank for international affairs. Dr. Samantha Nutt is founder and executive director of War Child Canada.

The conflict in Syria began as a civil war, but powerful outside players are now enmeshed, including Russia, the United States, Iran, Turkey and Saudi Arabia.
"The Russians, the Iranians are determined that the current regime [led by Bashar al-Assad] will not only stay in power, but will recover," says Slavin. "Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia, is trying, I think desperately, to make up for the dissolution of the Soviet Union by creating a new Russian superpower, or at least a major regional power...He wants to be seen as the man to go to determine the fate of the Middle East."
All the Syrians are aware that the war in Syria is a proxy war...the Syrians are not the ones who decide. They decide neither the present actions nor the future...The Americans and the Russians decided the ceasefire, not the Syrians. So we see that the Syrian players are almost marionettes.- Father Nadim Nassar
Nassar says Syria is has become the "battleground" for a complicated proxy war that pits world powers against each other — and against the hundreds of terrorist organizations, including ISIS, that currently operate within the country.
He is frustrated that the power struggle between outside interests has all but eclipsed Syrian voices and Syrian-led solutions.
"Every day we hear in the news that the Americans and the Russians failed to agree on Syria. What about the Syrians? Are we outside the game?"