Voting while disabled; The state of our cities; Cherry harvest; Divisive campaign tactics; Helen Weinzweig

The Sunday Edition for October 11, 2015, with host Michael Enright:
The disenfranchised disabled - Michael's essay: There are four million disabled people in this country. Many can't vote, either because polling stations are not accessible or there's no way to ensure that their vote is secret.
City state: Our cities are in trouble. Overcrowding, unaffordable housing, gridlock, poor transit and collapsing infrastructure combine to make city living in Canada a daunting challenge. What role should the federal government should play in making our cities more efficient, sustainable, and joyful places in which to live, work and play?
Michael's guests are:
Don Iveson, the mayor of Edmonton
Ken Greenberg, architect, writer, and urban designer
Jill Grant, Professor with the School of Planning at Dalhousie University and expert on suburbs
Essay - The Price of a Cherry: Cherry-picker Amy Attas reminds us that when we give thanks for the food on our plates, we should also thank the people whose calloused hands helped put it there.
Campaign tactics: More than 700 Canadian academics from diverse political allegiances have signed an open letter decrying the Conservative party's campaign tactics related to refugees, the niqab, and the "barbaric cultural practices" tipline. Michael talks to philosopher Daniel Weinstock from McGill University's Faculty of Law.
Basic Black with Pearls: To mark the centenary of her birth, Toronto writer Helen Weinzweig's ground-breaking feminist novel has been re-issued. We broadcast an excerpt from a celebration of Weinzweig and her work, at the Toronto Reference Library.