A Spark of Spirit in Everything
Exploring the Japanese Shinto religion with Marie Kondo, John Nelson, and Reverend Roderick Hashimoto.

A look at the Japanese Shinto religion and the belief that there is a sacred essence in all things - even inanimate objects. With Marie Kondo, John Nelson and Rev. R. Hashimoto.
International organizing sensation Marie Kondo explains how recognizing and respecting the spirit in objects can drastically improve our lives.
John K. Nelson has carefully studied the inner workings of Shinto shrines in Japan and has written several books about it. He explains the religion's philosophy and shares his insights about the sacred space of the shrine - and the spaces all around us.
And we talk to Reverend Roderick Hashimoto about the Japanese Konko church and its community in Vancouver (which is considered a sect of Shinto).