#1 trait of a healthy happy kid? A spiritual foundation.

Dr. Lisa Miller is the author of the bestselling book The Spiritual Child: The New Science on Parenting for Health and Lifelong Thriving. She says children are swamped by the dominant values of the culture: cynicism, empty fame, and the worship of wealth. Dr. Miller says her studies lead her to believe that helping kids connect to a sense of the sacred can make an immense difference in their well-being. In fact, she says nurturing spirituality in a child is more important than soccer practice and piano lessons. And she has the science to back it up.
In the entire realm of human experience, there is no single factor that will protect your adolescent like a personal sense of spirituality.- Dr. Lisa Miller
Lisa Miller is the founder of the Spirituality Mind Body Institute, the first Ivy-League graduate program in spirituality and psychology. She's also director of the Clinical Psychology Program at Columbia University.

"I know childhood spirituality to be a powerful truth that is incontrovertible yet strangely absent from our mainstream culture. That 'children are so spiritual' is not merely anecdote or opinion, be it mine or anyone else's. It is an established scientific fact." - Dr. Lisa Miller
Dr. Miller's research shows that children with a strong positive sense of spirituality are:
- 40% less likely to use and abuse substances
- 60% less likely to be depressed as teenagers
- 80% less likely to have dangerous or unprotected sex

Congratulations to Corina Fransen, Jasmine Williams, and Anne Campbell, who each won a copy of The Spiritual Child by Lisa Miller. Your books are in the mail.