'Home to Me' anthem by young people of Grassy Narrows First Nation

'Home to Me' is performed by young people with a really profound connection to their home.
But it's about a land that's been poisoned. The song comes from the youth of Grassy Narrows First Nation; students from Sakatcheway Anishinabe School. It went viral across the country and beyond last summer.
This summer, even as the red and white has been waving across the country, marking Canada 150, there are still disputes about who is responsible for cleaning up the mess in that Northern Ontario community.
In June of 2016, a group of young people from Grassy Narrows First Nation traveled 1700 kilometres to hold a demonstration at Queen's Park in Toronto. They were demanding mercury-laden waters in their territory be cleaned up.
Mercury levels are said to be "staggering" in the Wabigoon River and Clay Lake in Northern Ontario, after a pulp mill used the northern waters as a dumping ground in the 1960s.
The song was produced by David Hodges and N'we Jinan Music.