Concert-goers share their secrets in The Book of Truths

Musician Craig Cardiff has a ritual he follows during his performances.
He circulates a notebook he calls The Book of Truths and asks audience members to write down their secrets, stories of first dates, or fragments of truth.
Some of the entries are heart-breaking: loved ones lost, stories of unrequited love. Other offerings are hilarious: tales of misadventure, sexual innuendo, and copious assorted drawings of male anatomy.
When one book is filled, another takes its place. At this point, there are more than three hundred notebooks filled with insights, fears, and pearls of wisdom from audience members.
Craig Cardiff says the books have changed his life.

What would you write in The Book of Truths?
We'd like to know what you would include in The Book of Truths. Would it be a secret that no one else knows? Maybe a story you want to share with the world? This is your chance to get it off your chest. Add your words of truth to the comments section below.
By the way, not everything in The Book of Truths touches on the meaning of life. Here's what one audience member wrote:
"Sometimes I wish I was David Bowie, and I put my lipstick on extra thick to help me have the confidence to go there."
And there was this:
"I don't think you can handle the truth! No, really, the truth sucks. I think lies work best. Lie more."