The Upside of Down Emotions

Sadness, anger, envy, boredom. They're all states of mind that get a bad rap. If you've read enough self-help stuff, you might have even tried to leave the so-called negative emotions behind, to evolve beyond them. And that would be a mistake.
In this episode, we embrace those uncomfortable feelings and investigate the upside of down emotions.
Children's psychologist Dr. Meredith Gillespie loved the Pixar movie Inside Out so much, she bought the doll versions of the animated characters - Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear, and Disgust - to help her young clients better understand and talk about their feelings.
Dr. Sandi Mann is a senior lecturer in psychology at the University of Central Lancashire. She believes we should embrace boredom and has the research to prove why.
Psychiatrist Dr. Michael Bennett and comedy writer Sarah Bennett are a father-daughter team who have written a New York Times bestselling cheeky manifesto against feelings. Their message: there comes a time when you need to stop wallowing and get on with your life.