Parker Palmer warns Trump's "antics" eerily similar to pre-Nazi Germany

We originally aired this story several weeks ago, but a glitch in the system meant it wasn't heard in most parts of the country. We present it again to correct that error.
When you listen to Parker Palmer, you may be struck by a thought - it occurred to us just a few minutes into the interview - this man is the Anti-Trump.
Pick an issue - any issue - and the Quaker elder is likely to sound like the polar opposite of Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump. Palmer has spent his life working for social justice and has a passion for helping people bring their inner lives into alignment with the outer - ending the 'divided self'.
At the moment, Parker Palmer is a very worried man. He's been watching the race for the Republican presidential nomination unfold in the United States, and is very uneasy about the direction in which his country is heading.
"I'm comparing the current situation in America to the pre-Nazi Germany Weimar Republic situation where people felt the great loss of tradition.They felt humiliated on the world stage as many Americans feel today. They felt the loss of jobs and the radically decreased purchasing power of their money. And they were looking for a strong man to take care of it all. And up comes a guy who, when you watch his public self-presentation, is -in the most horrific way imaginable - as much of a clown as Mr. Trump is with just as contorted a face. And you see parallels that you don't want to see but that we have to start talking about."
-- Parker Palmer