A God That Could Be Real

Nancy Ellen Abrams asks, "Could anything actually exist in the scientific universe that is worthy of being called God?". Abrams is a former atheist - and the God she now believes in is rather mind-blowing.
Click here to read an excerpt of Nancy Ellen Abrams' A God That Could Be Real: Spirituality, Science, and the Future of our Planet.
Nancy's unwanted conversion began when she entered a 12-step programme for an eating disorder and was forced to call on a higher power. In her search for something she could actually believe in, she thought with a shock: atheists have "merely stated what God can't be. We haven't considered yet what God could be."
The God Abrams now believes in is based on the idea of emergence - in which a group of things combines to create something greater than the sum of its parts. Think ants and what they accomplish as a colony. Or air molecules that create temperature by individual movement.
Nancy's new vision of God is one that springs from the collective human intellect, emerging out of centuries of human aspirations and reaching.