If breastfeeding is making you miserable, stop

Breast may be best, but formula is fine too.
Julia Lipscombe knows it, and she wants other mothers to remember it too.
Lipscombe, whose son Indiana (Indy) is four months old, struggled to breastfeed.
Her nipples cracked and bled, and got infected, but still she tried.
She saw doctors, and a lactation consultant, all of whom encouraged her to keep trying — without reminding her that her baby would do just fine on formula, if that's what it came to.
I'm not advocating that women forgo breastfeeding for formula. I am advocating, however, that women stop beating themselves up if they cannot breastfeed, or if breastfeeding is so difficult for them that it's making their life miserable.- Julia Lipscombe

Lipscombe says that to breastfeed her son, she would have had to dedicate the majority of her waking hours to the task.
"When I wasn't pumping, I was dreading pumping. I was crying a lot. This was by far my unhappiest time since getting pregnant maybe in my life."
Finally, Lipscombe knew she had to switch to formula so that she and Indy could both be happy.
Now, she wants other mothers to remember that if they need to make the switch, they shouldn't feel guilty.