OPINION: Vancouver might be a bad lover, but it's a good friend

On last week's show, we heard a "Dear John" letter to the city of Vancouver.
Jennifer Fox broke up with the city in a letter which first appeared in The Province newspaper. The reason for the public dumping? What Fox sees as an overheated housing market, and a cold and distant populace.
I took a chance on love and moved here in 2009. Since then, I've had lots of good reasons to break up with you. Precarious work, low wages, unaffordable housing, and the city's terrible dating scene... it's not me, it's you.- Former Vancouverite and current Haligonian Jennifer Fox
The 180 received a whole bunch of letters in response. Vancouverite Dan Straker says he's seen it all before, like the good buddy of a serial heartbreaker. He says he knows all the complaints.
You felt like Vancouver could be 'the one" and you moved in. Nothing too serious at first. A rental apartment in a cheaper part of town. But soon, you started noticing strange things about Vancouver. The self-obsession, the vanity, the way it pretends it knew Ryan Reynolds before he was famous...- Vancouverite Dan Straker
Dan wants everyone who's been spurned by Vancouver to know that the city means well, and one day it'll grow up, get a real job, stop relying on its rich real-estate owning parents for money, and be ready for commitment. But not quite yet.
Click the "play" button above to hear the full letter from Dan