A libertarian case for a guaranteed minimum income

Governments in Canada are suddenly keen on basic income.
A guaranteed basic income can take many forms, but the essential idea is regular cash payments to people, sometimes instead of a host of other social services. Some forms include a payment to everyone, which is then taxed back after a certain level. Others provide a cash payment only to people under a certain income level.
The Ontario Liberals are planning a pilot project. A Liberal-dominated federal committee thinks the idea is worth studying as well. The Manitoba Green Party says if their elected in the province's upcoming election, they'll implement a basic income. The Saskatchewan NDP also support a pilot project for a basic income in that province.
With all its supporters, you may think basic income is an idea from the political left. However, a guaranteed basic income has support from some you might consider rather right-wing, libertarians.
Matt Zwolinski is a self-described libertarian, Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of San Diego, and founder of the website Bleeding Heart Libertarians: Free Markets and Social Justice
He says the basic income concept conforms to the libertarian ideal of economic freedom. Instead of targeted subsidies or other social assistance programs, basic income stops the government from making decisions about what lower income people need, and lets lower income people do that themselves.
You're not giving them food stamps, you're not giving them housing vouchers, you're giving them cash. (It's) a rejection of this notion of paternalism. The idea that the government knows better than you what's good for you, and they're going to force you to act in a way they think is appropriate.- Matt Zwolinski
Zwolinski prefers a basic income system which replaces, not complements, most other social welfare programs. He does admit, however, that there are other libertarians who would consider him a socialist in disguise.
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