Don't tell me to embrace my overweight body
Tammy MacKinnon is overweight. While she loves all those ads and blog posts that tell her she should love herself just the way she is - she knows she should listen to her doctor instead, who tells her she needs to lose weight to prevent heart attack and Type 2 diabetes.

Body positivity is being embraced by women everywhere, and being plus sized is no longer something to be ashamed about.
But Tammy MacKinnon thinks that while some women can be overweight and healthy, body positivity can actually be negative.
MacKinnon was diagnosed with a heart condition that lead her to reassess her health. She feels that body positivity often leads women to disregard their health completely.
The worst part is that we ignore our health in order to embrace our bodies. My truth is the only time I want to embrace my plus sized body is when I want to justify eating bad food. Oh yeah, I'm all over loving my body when I want to eat that cheeseburger and onion rings. The reality is though, it doesn't last long, ten minutes later I'm not loving my glorious over-sized body anymore.- Tammy MacKinnon
MacKinnon says that when she heard her doctor describe her as obese, she knew she needed to make the changes.
"Getting healthy and strong is what I choose to embrace."

MacKinnon argues her point in the audio essay above.