Physician-assisted death in Oregon

This summer, Quebec became the first province to allow physician assisted death, in very specific circumstances.
On the national level, this fall, the Supreme Court of Canada considers whether laws criminalizing assisted dying violate the rights of the gravely ill.

Jeanette Hall with Mitch Albom's For One More Day.
How can you trust in a doctor that's very willing to end your life?Dr. Kenneth Stevens, radiation oncologist who successfully talked Jeanette Hall out of trying to get a lethal prescription
Earlier this month, the Canadian Medical Association voted overwhelmingly to soften its stance against assisted suicide, supporting doctors to follow their conscience when deciding whether to help those who wish to die. Canadians appear to be growing more nuanced about whether their fellow citizens have the right to end their lives.
Today, we look South to the first jurisdiction in North America to pass a law allowing physician assisted death. Oregon's 'Death with Dignity' has been on the books for 15 years.
The CBC's Yvonne Gall's documentary is called Death and the Law in Oregon, it first aired on The Current in October.
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