Bye Bye Summer... Hello Season 13 of The Current

We are launching a new season-long project called "By Design."
We are constantly shaping the world around us - designing everything from new structures to policies. Sometimes spectacular... at times barely noticeable... the design of a medical device, a military campaign, a bridge, a proposed law, or new curriculum can have remarkable - or, at times, devastating - effects. All this season, The Current explores the many ways - good and bad - that design affects our lives. Whether we're engineering the human body, a new technology to prevent birds from crashing into buildings, or a new way to teach children based on video games ... it's all "By Design."
By Design Stories Airing the Week of September 1st
Tuesday September 2nd
Neil Harbisson was born with a condition called achromatopsia, which means he cannot see colours. So Harbisson made a pivotal decision. He would take control of his own design, surgically implanting an electronic device in his head - one that allows him to "hear" colour. And now the self-proclaimed "cyborg" advocates that rather than making apps for phones... we build apps for humans.
Wednesday September 3rd
Bruce Mau sees design everywhere. From our coffee makers to our computers, our subway routes to the buildings we work in... The internationally renowned designer from Canada says design touches every aspect of our everyday lives. And not only that. Good design, he says, can literally transform our world for the better. Mau believes it is key to the long-term success of our healthcare system, our sustainability and our quality of life. Bruce Mau speaks to Anna Maria Tremonti about the ubiquity and power of design in our lives.
Thursday, September 4th
It's 230 million years ago. You are creeping through the lush landscape, desperately trying to avoid disturbing a nearby sleeping triceratops as you study the habitat of the dinosaurs surrounding you. Only the dinosaurs aren't real, and it's not really 230 million years ago. It's 2014, and you're a student in a classroom. Welcome to the "gamification" of education, where concepts that make video games engaging to children are being used to design a new way of teaching them.
Other Highlights in September
Friday September 5th
Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield hosts a special Science Edition of The Current. Hadfield gained international attention as Commander of the International Space Station, wowing kids and adults alike with his videos - and musical performances - from outer space. On September 5th, he commandeers The Current. Join Commander Hadfield as he takes on a mission to break down the state of science education in Canada, and tag along with him on a field trip to the Ontario Science Centre. And tune in as he examines how the commercialization of research is affecting the pursuit of scientific achievement, and talks to federal Minister of Industry James Moore about Canada's role in the future of space exploration.