Author Brigid Schulte on why we value busyness over happiness

It's very hard, even in a moment that feels like leisure, to feel fully in the moment...which is what gives you that sense of peace.Author Brigid Schulte

The struggle to achieve work-life balance is something almost anyone can relate to. It's that idea that we can do it all -- and do it with apparent ease -- that has many wondering... is there something wrong with me if I can't do it all?
It's that constant feeling of a time crunch, and those sorts of conflicts, that led Brigid Schulte's book, Overwhelmed: Work, Love and Play, When No One Has The Time.
Brigid Schulte is a staff reporter with the Washington Post and a mother of two. This interview originally aired in March.
Are you overwhelmed? Tell us how you manage.
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This segment was produced by The Current's Dawna Dingwall.