'Fat doesn't make you fat': Nina Teicholz's big surprise

Fat does not make you fat. Fat does not make you diseased... including saturated fat. The evidence for that was never strong.- Nina Teicholz, author of "Big Fat Surprise"
For decades now, saturated fats have been off the table for many Canadians. It's all in keeping with the dietary law of the land: Avoid the fats to keep cholesterol down, and ensure a healthy heart.... leading many to deny themselves the fat of the land.
But now science journalist Nina Teicholz is cutting through that received wisdom, like a hot knife through forbidden butter. Her new book is called, "The Big Fat Surprise: Why Butter, Meat and Cheese Belong in a Healthy Diet." Nina Teicholz was in New York.
We are hoping to speak to someone from Health Canada about our Food Guide later this week. But in the meantime... tell us what you think.
Do you avoid fat in your diet? Or is it part of your own personal food guide? Send us your thoughts on what Nina Teicholz discovered about the flawed studies too.
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This segment was produced by The Current's Kristin Nelson.