Non-aboriginal Canadians need to wake up to the rising power of Aboriginal Peoples
First Nations demonstrators march towards Parliament Hill in Ottawa March 25, 2013. in support of seven members of the Whapmagoostui First Nation in northern Quebec who walked to Ottawa in support of the Idle No More movement. (Chris Wattie/Reuters)
We are bringing this message for our future generations for our grandparents that went to residential schools for the children that were raped in residential schools. We bring this message forward for them. Stay strong, we are all in this together. We will not fall. We will not end this. We are in this for the long hall with Chief Theresa Spence with all of our Chiefs. With all of those involved in the idle no more movement. We are in unity with the creator, with ceremony.Andrea Landry from Pays Plat First Nation in Ontario at Idle No More protest in Ottawa, January of 2013
The Idle No More protests and blockades of almost two years ago sent a clear message that Aboriginal people were fed up with the federal government. The grass-roots movement may have surprised some non-aboriginal Canadians.
But according to writer and philosopher John Ralston Saul, that' s because they weren't paying attention. His new book "The Comeback" tracks the century-long rise of indigenous peoples. And he believes that relationship is being transformed.
Kathryn Teneese is the chair of the Ktunaxa Nation Council. She was in Cranbrook, BC.
Hayden King is the director of the Centre for Indigenous Governance in the Faculty of Arts at Ryerson University.
Do you believe that there is a change in the way Aboriginal Peoples are relating to, having a relationship with non-aboriginal Canadians. Let us know what you think.
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This segment was produced by The Current's Josh Bloch.