Uncertainty over Nutrition North's success to feed northerners
Last March we brought you a story about the difficulties of staying well fed in Canada's north and a government program aimed at improving the supply of healthy food to northern communities. This week, Auditor General Michael Ferguson released a report that says Aboriginal Affairs does not know whether the entire $60-million Nutrition North subsidy is going to residents in...

Last March we brought you a story about the difficulties of staying well fed in Canada's north and a government program aimed at improving the supply of healthy food to northern communities. This week, Auditor General Michael Ferguson released a report that says Aboriginal Affairs does not know whether the entire $60-million Nutrition North subsidy is going to residents in northern communities.
Michael Ferguson's report included five recommendations for Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada to improve the program including review of community eligibility and disclosure of profit margins on food items.
The Minister of Aboriginal affairs, Bernard Valcourt released a statement on Tuesday saying retailers and suppliers provided evidence that the program is working, however the government is accepting the Auditor General's recommendations.
But at least one resident says the subsidies aren't working in their favour.
Leesee Papatsie is a food activist in Iqaluit who created the Facebook group Feeding my Family.