Canada set to announce ISIS airstrikes, military experts call for boots on the ground

Today Prime Minister Stephen Harper is expected to detail more of what Canada's role in the struggle against the ISIS militants will be. Canadians are divided over whether this should be logistical support, airstrikes, soldiers on the ground, or whether they want to fight at all.
"This phenomenon is a direct threat to the security of this country. People in this country should be under no illusion about this as they are not in the rest of the world. These are extremely dangerous people who have continued to operate like this will almost certainly launch terrorist attacks against a range of targets across the world including this one. And that has to be countered. And let me be absolutely clear about this as PM of Canada. When we recognize there is a threat like this that has to be done and it involves our own interest we do our part. We do not stand on the sidelines and watch."
• UPDATE: PM Harper outlines ISIS mission: 6-months attached to Canada's air combat mission - CBC News
It's expected Prime Minister Stephen Harper will unveil how Canada will engage in the fight against ISIS. It is widely expected today's announcements will commit Canada to participating in airstrikes against ISIS, likely in Syria and Iraq.
Erin O'Toole is the Member of Parliament for Durham and the Parliamentary Secretary to the International Minister of Trade. He is also a former military officer.
Roméo Dallairewho is the founder of Child Soldiers. He is also a recently retired Senator and in 1993 was the Force Commander for the United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda.
Wesley Wark is a visiting Professor at the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs at the University of Ottawa.
Mohamed Huque is Vice-President of The Tessellate Institute, a non-profit research institute exploring Muslims in Canada.
What do you think Canada's involvement in the fight against ISIS should look like?
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This segment was produced by The Current's Pacinthe Mattar and Sujata Berry.