The Current

Jimmy Carter's call to action on what he says is the world's greatest human rights crisis

Former US President Jimmy Carter says abuse against women is the world's greatest human rights crisis; and he believes it's perpetuated by religion and war.
Sexual assaults, honour killings, prostitution, physical abuse - No matter where you look in our world, you will find women and girls being abused. It's why the 39th President of the United States calls it the biggest challenge of our times. Today, we hear from Jimmy Carter with his Call to Action and his new book in his only Canadian interview.

In the US military alone 26,000 sexual assaults took place and only about 300 actually resulted in anybody being punished. There's an aversion to admit what goes on even in our most cherished institutions.Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter

jimmy-carter-book-160.jpgIt's a volatile east, west, north and south for many of the world's women. Special crimes, special punishments and special hatreds are directed at so many women and girls.

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter despairs of the mistreatment and abuse. His new book is called A Call to Action: Women, Religion, Violence, and Power.

President Jimmy Carter joined us from Washington.

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This segment was produced by The Current Lara O'Brien.