The Current

Why does parenting sometimes feel like all joy and no fun?

In her latest book, Jennifer Senior examines the profound effect that children have on their parents, and argues that that changes in the last half century have radically altered the roles of today's mothers and fathers -- and not necessarily for the better....

In her latest book, Jennifer Senior examines the profound effect that children have on their parents, and argues that that changes in the last half century have radically altered the roles of today's mothers and fathers -- and not necessarily for the better.

Even the best of friends can have a falling out over the smallest of obstacles. In the film Friends with Kids, the small obstacles are children...

This Sunday is Mother's Day, and many mums may require more than breakfast in bed to raise a smile. Many studies suggest children do not make parents happier. Yet, many mothers and fathers say raising their children is the best thing they've ever done.

So what's going on here?

Jennifer Senior has some ideas. She is a contributing editor at New York Magazine and the author of All Joy And No Fun: The Paradox of Modern Parenthood.

What do you think? Have you felt the paradox of parenthood that Jennifer Senior describes?

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This segment was produced by The Current's Kristin Nelson.