A witness to the Benghazi attack tells his story of a night of death and gunfire: 'Tyrone had a machine gun and he just started laying hate'

Yesterday, our U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya, was attacked. Heavily armed militants assaulted the compound and set fire to our buildings.American and Libyan security personnel battled the attackers together. Four Americans were killed. They included Sean Smith, a Foreign Service information management officer, and our ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens. We are still making next of kin notifications for the other two individuals.This is an attack that should shock the conscience of people of all faiths around the world.Hillary Clinton, Former United States Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton appeared before Americans in 2012 to explain that once again they had been victims of extremists on a September 11th.
The U.S. diplomatic base in Benghazi had come under attack by heavily armed militants. The killings of that night still shake U.S. politics.
Mitchell Zuckoff chronicles that chaos in his new book 13 Hours in Benghazi, The Inside Account of What Really Happened.
Mark Geist was a highly trained security contractor who nearly lost his life during the battle for the CIA base in Benghazi known as the Annex.
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This segment was produced by The Current's Howard Goldenthal.