Should all MPs post their expenses online?

How much should MPs disclose when it comes to expenses?
We are glad to lead the charge on transparency and openness.Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau
The Senate expense scandal in Ottawa has the Red Chamber reviewing its practices -- and the Liberal leader wants the Commons to do so as well.
Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Caucus believe it's time to publicly share what MPs spend on travel and hospitality.
Mr. Trudeau says all Liberal MPs will now disclose their expenses in the same way cabinet ministers and their staff do.
There is far too much secrecy. I literally wanted to gag every time I heard 'we're open, transparent'. In a lot of respects, nothing could be farther from the truth.Michelle Simson, Former Liberal MP
- Michelle Simson is a former Liberal MP who got into hot water when she posted her expenses in 2009 - and ran afoul of then Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff. She is happy to see Liberal MPs will be posting expenses but feels they could go further and other parties should join them. She was in Hastings, Ontario.
- Nathan Cullen is the House Leader for the New Democratic Party. He isn't impressed with Justin Trudeau's proposition and sees it as just another opportunity to be in the media spotlight. He was in Washington, DC.
- Erin O'Toole is a Conservative Member of Parliament. He feels his party is on the right track when it comes to increasing transparency because some MPs already provide voluntary disclosure of expenses and they are committed to coming up with an all-party solution through the Board of Internal Economies. Erin O'tool was in Courtice, Ontario.
Have thoughts you want to share? How much should parties disclose?
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This segment was produced by The Current's Elizabeth Hay and Josh Bloch.