Students talk about their future in space: 'I want to go to Mars to look for signs of life.'

What would you change about science education in Canada?
"From my experience and what I was hoping to get by coming to the science centre was less of a lecture where as at the science centre it's very hands on and interactive. That's the way I prefer to have a science class."
How do you plan to use science in your future career?
"I am looking into multiple fields. I'm looking into life sciences right now. I really love astronomy, I love looking at the stars. I love mapping out constellations, looking at other planets. You know things that are far away that you can only dream about. You can only see those things in your dreams and then you look up at the stars and they are everywhere. So looking at astronomy. I am here at the science centre because I love biology and chemistry and physics. So i am looking to merge those two. I am for something to merge those marry astronomy with another science to make it something I just love doing. "
If you were to become an astronaut where would you go in the universe and what would you do?
"I would go to Mars. You can see Mars from earth but the thing is that nobody has gone there before. Mars is an interesting planet, we know it has ice and if it was warmer there it would have water. And there are many theories that possibly at one point in history Mars could support life. So going another world that could have been like earth but at our current time isn't, really makes me happy inside. A joyous feeling."

How would you change the way science is taught in schools?
" I would change the structure learning. I would like it to be a little bit more unstructured. So maybe for a work period the first 45 minutes are trying to figure out a new subject that is being taught to you. So learning like the conductivity of metals in Grade 11 physics on my own and trying to figure out through the formulas that are given to me how different things affect other things. And then in the last 15 minutes have it explained to me. So that I can get a grasp of it myself and other students can get a grasp of it for themselves, just to give yourself confidence and give you the skills to figure out things that aren't always taught to you. "
How do you plan to use science in your future career?
"I was hoping to become a nurse just because I want to help people. I want to take what I learn and you know put it to the best use I can. So a nurse or paramedic, so that way I can use my knowledge to help others."
If you were to become an astronaut where would you go in the universe and what would you do?
"I think I would want to go to a Neutron star..i think that's what they are called. They have the tails whipping around because of the gravity. I just want to see what that's like. And stand around in the middle of one and see if a ray of light just bounces or goes over me and I am blinded for a second and then 10 seconds later it comes back around. I want to see what that's like. "

How would you change the way science is taught in schools?
"In my old school the labs were not of great quality so there was certain stuff you just couldn't do. I just felt like I wasn't getting a complete science education. So if I had the chance to change science programs in my area I would say they should update their technology and lab equipment more often to make sure that it's a better and more complete experience."
How do you plan to use science in your future career?
"I want to be an Engineer...but i'm not really sure about what kind of engineer I want to be just yet. "
If you were to become an astronaut where would you go in the universe and what would you do?
"I want to go to Mars to look for signs of life. I know there's water and I just want to further explore that."

How would you change the way science is taught in schools?
"At the elementary school that I attended they got rid of the science fair program which when I was in school they still had. And that's what influenced me to get into the field of science and I loved it. I thought it was a great idea to do your own project to research, to do the hands on and show it off to people because you are proud of it. They've started to get rid of it but I think it's a great idea to bring it back and introduce it to more schools. It's definitely getting kids the hands on experience and learning that science is really interesting not just in the books but in the field."
How do you plan to use science in your future career?
"I am definitely interested in ecology, geology and environmental sciences definitely. But I also want to have a minor in anthropology, archaeology or astronomy. My first science fair was in artificial wetlands. So that man can bring in nature. So the idea of helping nature and making the world a better place for everyone to enjoy. I love green spaces and just being out in forests. So to get people out there and make them more accessible to use is what I aim to do."
If you were to become an astronaut where would you go in the universe and what would you do?
"Well I am a big fan of the show Dr. Who. So to see this doctor go across time and space is really interesting to me. So if I could go anywhere in space I would want to go to all the planets in our solar system because I have learned so much about them in books and videos and I want to learn about them hands on."

How would you change the way science is taught in schools?
"Science is so text book in regular high schools. For me science is more about the hands on experience. They do trips such as taking us to Wonderland (amusement park) or other areas where we can do more life hands real life examples of what we are learning in the books. I think that should be increased. Really science is not the formulas but about the context and how you visualize it in your mind."
How do you plan to use science in your future career?
"I am planning to go into biomedical engineering because it's a mix of the physics I love and but I also have a passion for the medicine so it's kind of combining the two."
If you were to become an astronaut where would you go in the universe and what would you do?
"I don't want to go to any place in particular like the moon. I just want to go up there. Like similar to Chris Hadfield, you know how he is known for the pictures he took and all the negative spaces he showed in photos. I would just like to take in that imagery and experience that you know."

How would you change the way science is taught in schools?
"Not a lot of people know how fun and interesting science can be. If we were going to do more science and especially space science, I'd make it more hands on, more interactive where the teacher is teaching you, but at the same time you are solving problems on your own. An maybe have a little puzzle you have to take out; have assignments on some sort of a rocket problem - you are on space ship or some little scenario. I think those would be good way to implement more fun into the curriculum."
How do you plan to use science in your future career?
"I've been thinking a lot about engineering. That topic by itself is so broad that I have no idea what kind of engineering I want to specialize in and I still have to decide a lot of what I want to do with my life."
If you were to become an astronaut where would you go in the universe and what would you do?
"I would definitely want to go on space explorations and stuff like that. Or maybe be the first person to land on another habitable planet or the first person to discover alien life. That would be amazing. That would be the best thing to ever happen to me, that I could have ever imagined in my life."