The Current for April 15, 2020

People in long-term care homes are cut off from their relatives in the pandemic, who are left worried their loved ones are in the path of COVID-19. One advocate argues these family members should be viewed as essential workers, and let back in to help with care.
Then, as some Canadians face tickets and high fines, we discuss the balance between the physical distancing measures needed to curb the pandemic, and the test of civil liberties.
Plus, our national affairs panellists Althia Raj, Robert Benzie and Vaughn Palmer discuss the latest COVID-19 numbers and the political response.
Technology is keeping us in touch during physical distancing, but the natural ease of chatting face-to-face may feel more awkward on a screen. We discuss why, as well as how self-declared introverts are coping with the onslaught of round-the-clock video calling (and not many excuses to say no).
Then, how are homeless people and the organizations that help them faring in the pandemic? We hear about a rise in people asking for help, and opportunities to address the deeper problems.
Plus, we talk to a funeral home director about efforts to support those bereaved in the COVID-19 pandemic when physical distancing measures add layers of delay and disruption to the grieving process.
And finally, we talk to a woman training for a marathon in her hotel room; and a group of cosplayers using their creative talents to raise money for those affected by the pandemic.