California drought creates shaming around eating & farming almonds

Lately almonds have a new name in some circles, the devil's nut.
Almond shaming is the latest way for those concerned about the extreme drought in California to point fingers at one of the largest consumers of water in that state. That four litres of water to produce one almond is why the almond industry -- and anyone seen with an Almond Joy bar -- is on mock-trial.
Tom Philpott is the Food and Agriculture correspondent for Mother Jones magazine. He has written extensively about almonds over the past year. Tom Philpott was in New York City.
This segment was produced by Vancouver Network Producer Anne Penman.

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Lay Off the Almond Milk, You Ignorant Hipsters - Tom Philpott, Mother Jones
Boy, Hipsters Sure Are Defensive About Their Almond Milk - Tom Philpott, Mother Jones
It Takes How Much Water to Grow an Almond?! - Mother Jones