3 Halifax shootings in 6 days prompt community to stand up against violence
In a span of six days, three young black men were murdered in the Halifax area. In the last few years, Halifax has earned one of the highest rates of firearm-related violence in the country. The Current looks at the calls to end violence in Canada's oldest black community.

Hundreds were on the march in Halifax, N.S., April 24, where the peace has been shattered after three shooting deaths in the city in the span of just one week.
All of the victims were black men in their twenties. And it's left Halifax — home to Canada's oldest black community — a city on edge.

According to Quentrel Provo, one of the organizers of the weekend march in Halifax, the escalation of violence represents a state of emergency — real solutions are needed.

Guests in this segment:
- Quentrel Provo. community activist and founder of the non-profit organization: Stop The Violence. He helped organize the weekend Halifax march and knew the three victims.
- Rhonda Britton, pastor at Cornwallis Street Baptist Church , an historic black community church Halifax.
This segment was produced by The Current's Willow Smith and Halifax network producer Mary Lynk.