The Current for Aug. 27, 2021

Today on The Current:
After a rise in cases, British Columbia and Manitoba have brought back masking rules in public places. And Dr. Anna Wolak told guest host Anthony Germain that it was a welcome surprise. She is a family physician and part of the grassroots group Masks4Canada. And psychology professor Igor Grossmann says changing mandates and pandemic fatigue is weighing on people, after some thought we might be at the end of the pandemic.
Plus for weeks, Mellissa Fung has been trying to help vulnerable people escape Afghanistan. She was in the country last month making a documentary investigating the killings of Afghan women and girls for the news outlet Aljazeera. Fung was taken hostage and held captive for 28 days in Afghanistan in 2008. Now she's trying to help people who have helped her.
Also, you were locked down, so you planted a garden. Now what are you supposed to do with all those cucumbers and tomatoes? Well, it's canning season — and if it's your first attempt, Ana Stoica-Constantin and Johwanna Alleyne are here with some tips.
And this summer we're bringing you a few of the best original CBC podcasts. Today it's Episode 4 of Recall: How to Start a Revolution, featuring the story of revolt and political violence in Quebec during the 1960s.