Two Canadians discuss how to find common ground in fight against climate change
How do we build a consensus in order to move forward?

Originally published on Dec. 13, 2018.
Political leaders at COP24 are struggling to reach a consensus on how to tackle climate change, but how do we find that common ground in our everyday lives?
As part of a special edition on climate change, The Current invited two Canadians with different perspectives to talk to each other about the decisions they think we have to make.

Hayley Zacks is a 21-year-old student, climate justice activist and spokesperson for Youth Rising, a group of Canadians demanding climate action.
The Halifax student wants to see a transition to 100 per cent renewable energy that keeps fossil fuels in the ground, as well as the creation of one million climate jobs.
Jackie Wall, from Bienfait, east of Estevan, Sask., is the executive director of the city's chamber of commerce. Her spouse works in the fossil fuel industry.
She thinks Canada needs to take action on climate change, but in a socially and economically viable way that recognizes that fossil fuels penetrate every aspect of our lives.
Click 'listen' near the top of this page to hear their full conversation.
Produced by Kristin Nelson and Julie Crysler. With thanks to Anne Penman, Suzanne Dufresne, Susan McKenzie, Mary-Catherine McIntosh, Kieran Oudshoorn and Ellen Payne Smith.