The Current for December 15, 2017
From plane crash survivors and rescuers sharing their stories, to the lifeline that activist Meron Estefanos provides to Eritrean refugees, to the ethics of denying transplants due to strict sobriety rules ... This is The Current with Piya Chattopadhyay.

Full Episode Transcipt
Part One
Plane crash survivors and rescuers share tales of survival that have changed their lives for better and worse.
Part Two
Every month, thousands of Eritreans attempt to flee their home country. Many of them end up kidnapped and ransomed. That's when they reach out to journalist Meron Estefanos who offers a lifeline.
Part Three
Strict Ontario rules deny liver transplants for anyone who hasn't remained sober for six months. Family and friends of 26-year-old Delilah Saunders, who needs a liver replacement to live, say this policy punishes people for addiction issues.