Eve Adams move to Liberals: High-risk gamble for Trudeau

Conservative MP Eve Adams raised eyebrows across the country yesterday morning, as she jumped ship and joined the Liberal caucus. Eve Adams has been a lifelong Tory, and according to her statement, the big move came only after much soul-searching.
But it didn't take long for her former Tory colleagues to counter that claim -- pointing out that just last month she was barred from seeking re-election as a Conservative, owing to -- quote -- "misconduct" -- unquote -- in a recent, messy nomination battle.
'I want to work with someone who inspires, not with fear-mongerers and bullies. That leader is Justin Trudeau.- Eve Adams
Oh, and, adding to the mix... it must be noted that Ms Adams' is engaged to Dimitri Soudas, a onetime communications director to Prime Minister Stephen Harper.
Eve Adams carries with her that controversy, as well as lesser ones --- But nevertheless, Liberal leader Justin Trudeau was seated right there next to her yesterday morning, welcoming her with open arms to the Liberal fold... and opening himself to questions about his own strategy.
To talk about what it all means, we were joined by three Parliament Hill reporters.
- Althia Raj is the Ottawa Bureau Chief for the Huffington Post.
- Paul Wells is the Political editor at Maclean's and author of "The Longer I'm Prime Minister."
- Michael Den Tandt is a National Post Columnist.
What do you think about MP Eve Adams crossing the floor to join the Liberals? Was it a smart strategy.. or could it spell political disaster for the Grits?
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This segment was produced by The Current's Shannon Higgins and Idella Sturino.
- Eve Adams, former Conservative MP, joins Liberal Party - Kady O'Malley, CBC News
- Conservative MP Eve Adams Crosses Floor To Trudeau Liberals - Althia Raj, Huffington Post
- All about Eve—and suddenly Steve - Paul Wells, Macleans
- Trudeau’s master plan - Michael Den Tandt, National Post