Secretary general Ban Ki-moon evaluates UN's failures and successes

Founded 70 years ago in the shadow of the second World War, the UN's mandate has been to promote peace and stability across the entire world. And, in many ways, it has succeeded.
Rates of extreme poverty and child mortality have plummeted; more girls are educated than ever before; and another truly "world war" has been averted.
Yet, peace and stability remain elusive, with conflict in Syria, global terrorism, and the existential threat of climate change looming.
Going into its eighth decade, the UN has its work cut out for it.
"I am very much excited by such a strong commitment [from] Prime Minister Trudeau ... I would like to reinforce and strengthen such a partnership."- UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon
Ban Ki-moon is entering his ninth year as secretary-general of the United Nations. He will meet Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in Ottawa about Canada's role.
Anna Maria Tremonti spoke with the UN chief Ban Ki-moon earlier this week in New York.
I believe that the UN should continue to improve their way of working, enhancing transparency, and also showing more solidarity ... then we can deliver much more.- UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon
This segment was produced by CBC's Melissa Kent in New York and The Current's Idella Sturino, Catherine Kalbfleisch.
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