The Current for February 23, 2018
From the elusive fight for a larger justice after the not guilty verdict in the Tina Fontaine murder trial; to the political influence of Sikh extremists in Canadian politics after Jaspal Atwal was invited to dine with the Prime Minister; to women pilgrims assaulted in Mecca facing backlash for speaking out in this #MosqueMeToo moment ... This is The Current with Piya Chattopadhyay.

From the elusive fight for a larger justice after the not guilty verdict in the Tina Fontaine murder trial; to the political influence of Sikh extremists in Canadian politics after Jaspal Atwal was invited to dine with the Prime Minister; to women pilgrims assaulted in Mecca facing backlash for speaking out in this #MosqueMeToo moment ... This is The Current with Piya Chattopadhyay.