Beard and hijab crackdowns fight extremism, says Tajikistan
In Tajikistan, police are bragging that they've forced the shaving of 13,000 men with beards and put a stop to hundreds of women wearing hijab. The government claims it is fighting radicalization, but its critics say an oppressive government is trying to silence dissent.

In Tajikistan, police are bragging that they've forced the shaving of 13,000 men with beards and put a stop to hundreds of women wearing hijab.
The government claims it is fighting radicalization, but critics say an oppressive government is trying to silence dissent.
Guests in this segment:
- Rustam Gulov, Tajik blogger and activist in Khujand.
- Sojida Djakhfarova, Tajik service director for Radio Free Europe in Prague.
- Eric McGlinchey, associate professor of government and politics at George Mason University.
The Current requested interviews with various representatives of the Tajik government but were either declined or did not hear back.
This segment was produced by The Current's Catherine Kalbfleisch and Leif Zapf-Gilje.