The Current

The Current for Jan. 30, 2020

Today on The Current: Amid the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, Canadian Wayne Duplessis tells us why he and his family have decided to stay in the city. Then, long-time Republican Rick Wilson has helped the party win election campaigns for decades, but with the prospect of a second Trump term, he’s offering his skills to the Democrats. And as Conservative leadership hopefuls pledge to march in pride parades, we ask what all the federal parties need to do to advance and secure LGBT rights.
A man sits on a chair, looking at the camera
Matt Galloway is the host of CBC Radio's The Current. (CBC)

Full Episode Transcript

Today on The Current: Amid the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, Canadian Wayne Duplessis tells us why he and his family have decided to stay in the city. Then, long-time Republican Rick Wilson has helped the party win election campaigns for decades, but with the prospect of a second Trump term, he's offering his skills to the Democrats. And as Conservative leadership hopefuls pledge to march in pride parades, we ask what all the federal parties need to do to advance and secure LGBT rights.