Me, Myself and Us: How our personalities shape our lives

Chapter one of Brian Little's book starts with a quote:
Every person is, in certain respects like all other people, like some other people and like no other person.
The book is called "Me, Myself and Us - The Science of Personality and the Art of Well Being."
It delves into the fascinating and complex world of personality psychology from a man who's studied and lectured in the field for decades.
Brian Little is a Fellow of the Well-Being Institute at Cambridge University. He divides his time between Cambridge and Ottawa where he is a Distinguished Research Professor Emeritus at Carleton University.
Brian Little spoke with Anna Maria Tremonti, on The Current, in October.
What's your self-monitoring score? Find out.
Are you a high self-monitor who cares deeply about how others see you and bends to fit social situations? Or are you a low self-monitor who doesn't care what people think and won't change no matter what?
For a better idea of where you fit in,take this short personality quiz. When you finish, tweet us @TheCurrentCBC, find us on Facebook or email us and let us know your results.
* Mobile users make sure to have phone in landscape mode to view full test questions. *
(Quiz is courtesy of Me, Myself and Us by Brian Little ©2014. Published by HarperCollins Canada. All rights reserved.)