Gay parents shouldn't have expectations for their kids' sexuality

Last month, a well-known US-media commentator, Sally Kohn, published a piece in the Washington Post that was headlined, "I'm gay. And I want my kid to be gay, too."

'I have this inherent wish for my kid to be gay. Like wanting my kid to be a democrat ... Like wanting my kid to be Jewish.'- Sally Kohn, Daily Beast writer and CNN commentator
Two other gay parents joined Sally for that discussion. But we didn't hear then from any children of gay couples. As you can imagine, that piece generated a lot of online discussion. So we invited Sally Kohn to discuss why she wrote the piece, and the reaction it generated.
Makeda Zook wrote in to tell us she thought we should. She is the 28-year-old daughter of two moms, and she is co-editing a collection of stories from the children of LGBTQ parents. She joined us in Toronto.
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This segment was produced by The Current's Marc Apollonio.